PDF Documents

Table of contents
  1. PDF Documents
    1. Description
    2. How to Create
    3. Objects & Actions:


PDF files created outside of Dash.

How to Create

Dragged & dropped into Dash from an external source (i.e., your own desktop)

Objects & Actions:

  • Embed highlights, marquee selections, annotations, and ink (overlay pane)
  • Scroll through PDF, view current page number, and navigate to desired page numbers by custom input
  • Search for specific words or phrases within the PDF: click on the search icon at the bottom right to invoke the search input box. Then, type in the query. By default, the first result will be highlighted in orange while all other search results will be highlighted in yellow. Users can use the up & down arrows to step through each result, with the current result having an orange highlight.
  • Add a margin that allows for a convenient place to place documents such as annotations (in the form of a text document):

    • Click on the Comment icon to toggle the annotation sidebar open and closed.
    • To resize the margin, drag on the Comment icon.
  • Select a piece of text and click on the Summarize with AI icon that appears in the menu to generate text summarizations.