Physics Simulations

overall environment
Table of contents
  1. Physics Simulations
    1. Description
    2. Simulation Types
    3. Access
    4. Use


Basic physics simulation platform with three modes: Freeform Mode, Tutorial Mode, and Review Mode.

  • In Freeform Mode, users can set up basic simulations that are animated physically correctly.
  • In Tutorial Mode, users can go through step-by-step tutorials explaining how to solve particular mechanics problems for different simulations.
  • In Review Mode, users can solve example mechanics problem and animate simulations based on their answers to questions.

Simulation Types

  • Projectiles
  • Inclined planes
  • Pendulums
  • Springs
  • Pulleys
  • Weights suspended from two rods
  • Weights undergoing circular motion


Type colon on your canvas to invoke the node menu. Under “CREATE DOCUMENT”, select “SIMULATION” to create a default simulation.


  • The dropdown menus in the upper right corner of the simulation document can be used to change the simulation mode and type.
  • The input fields on the left side of the document can be used to change the simulation parameters.